How To Train Your Pet?

It's almost every pet owner's dream to get on well with their animal and create a close bond. Each animal will think and process the world around them differently to humans, but by understanding your pet, you'll be able to better communicate, play and even dance together. Starting training with your pet in the early stages is essential for animals such as dogs, who need to learn how to live in the house and later be in public with their owner in a controlled manner. But training doesn't just make life easier for owners.
Studies show that animals that are exposed to regular mental stimulation from their human companions are more confident, trusting, and coordinated. Training usually
involves different levels of exercise, which is vital for most animals in keeping them fit and healthy while living mostly indoors. It's essential to remember that human concepts and ideas of what is 'right and 'wrong' behavior are mostly alien to pets until they are taught. Whether you want to teach your pet the basics or partake in entertaining routines together, patience and persistence are two of the most important qualities you will need to learn.
The steps of the animal training
1. ASSOCIATION - At first, the word of a command will mean nothing to your pet. When first saying the command, demonstrate the action you wish the animal to perform through actions and pointing.2. CONSISTENCY - If there's more than one person living in your house. make sure you use commands and actions that match. A pet needs to receive the same information and expectations from everyone to learn quickly.
3. REPETITION - Your pet won't instantly catch on to different tricks and commands. Keep repeating the command until the word is ingrained and associated with the relevant action.
4. REINFORCEMENT - Try using an action that matches each command, such as tapping the back of a 'pet's body while saying "sit". This will serve as another prompt for each action to make the association stronger. When successfully achieved - with or without the prompt - reward with a treat.
5. MAINTENANCE - When you have achieved the desired level of training for your pet, maintain constant practice. Test their abilities daily if possible so that they don't forget over time.